Tips For Managing Holiday Stress
Friday, December 14th, 2018
It’s true that the holidays can be the “most wonderful time of the year”, but for many of us, it can also be the most stressful time of the year. There are gifts to buy and parties to attend and meals to make and relatives to visit and… it’s not always merry and bright.
The holiday to-do list added to the myriad of things we have to get done each day — adds stress to our lives. And if we’re not careful this can lead to exhaustion or even illness.
What’s more, many of us feel we should be cheerful and in the spirit of the season. But it’s hard to be cheerful when feeling overwhelmed.
Fortunately, there are a few steps you can take to help reduce holiday stress this year:
Ask for help: You’re not in this alone. Ask the kids to help clean, the spouse to help shop, the neighbors or grandparents to babysit. Tis the season for giving and people are usually happy to pitch in and help when asked.
Get some exercise: A brisk walk can increase your energy level and help you stay in shape.
Don’t strive for perfection: Let yourself off the hook and don’t worry about the perfect gift, the perfect meal or the perfect anything. We are not perfect beings.
Minimize sugar and alcohol: While it’s OK to enjoy a bit, please drink responsibly and remember to eat enough fruit, vegetables, and protein to stay healthy.
It’s OK to say “No”: Don’t feel pressured to say yes to every invitation or to every request. We simply cannot do it all.
Stick to your budget: Remember it’s the thought that counts (and not the price tag). Don’t add to your stress by overspending.
Take a break: Soak in a tub for 20 minutes or relax with a book for an hour. You can hit your refresh button by taking a little time just for you.
Know that It’s normal to feel stress: If your anxiety or even your depression spikes at this time of year, you are not alone. The increased demands of the season do cause stress. If however, you find you are unable to manage your stress or depression, please seek help.
The holidays are meant to be a magical time to gather with friends or loved ones. So let the world go on spinning and spend some time with the people in your life that make it worth living.
May You Have A Happy & Healthy Holiday Season.
~ From All of Us at Edina Sports + Family Medicine